(507) 775-3937 info@ccabogados.com

    Oliver Candanedo

    13 December, 2016 / ocandanedo@ccabogados.com

    Graduated in Law and Political Sciences, University of Panama in 2000. Postgraduate in International Trade and Master in Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration, Universidad Latinoamericana de Comercio Exterior, 2003. He has worked in various areas of law, especially Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Industrial Property, Information Technology Law, Regulatory Law, Immigration, Labor Law and other areas related to commercial and corporate law. He has worked with several law firms and in the advisory of companies, especially those dedicated to the

    Companies, especially those dedicated to the generation and distribution of electric energy and those dedicated to the exportation of agricultural products.

    He is a member Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Chiriqui, and of the Rotary Club of David.